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20 • minutes
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Vegan Potato Salad with Green Cashew Cream
A simple yet delicious salad, perfect as a side or for a dinner party. You will love the crispiness ...
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15 • minutes
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Tofu Coconut Curry
This is the perfect dish when you’re short on time but after a healthy meal. From start to finish ...
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20 • minutes
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4 • people
Indian Spiced Cauliflower and Tahini Yoghurt Couscous Salad
​Subtly spiced cauliflower and chickpeas mixed with fresh spinach, couscous, raisins, almonds and ...
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30 • minutes
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4 • people
Vegan Burgers
​Who doesn’t love a burger? And this vegan version is just as satisfying as our classic comfort ...
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15 • minutes
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4 • people
Vegan Pad Thai Salad
A light, crunchy and deliciously fresh take on a classic favourite. With a few vegan swaps, this sal...
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1 • hour
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4 • people
Green Falafels with Hummus & Flat Bread
A delightfully satisfying meal, packed with nourishing greens and plant based protein. We love this ...
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10 • minutes
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4 • people
Stuffed Butternut Squash
This delicious autumn recipe makes use of the abundance of butternut squash. It’s quick to make an...