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Cheat Sushi

5/5 (2)


  • tick​2 pouches of brown rice (we love SunRice)
  • tick 200g smoked salmon slices (we love Regal Salmon)
  • tick 1 avocado, sliced (we love Nz Avocado)
  • tick ½ cup Anchor Cream Cheese (we love Anchor)
  • tick ½ cucumber in long strips
  • tick 6 nori sheets
  • Serve With:
  • tick Pickled ginger
  • tick Chantal Organics Tamari Soy Sauce
  • tick Equipment: Sushi bamboo mat


  • Step 1.

    Tear the rice pouch tops and pop in the microwave for 90 seconds. Pour into a bowl and mix cream cheese thoroughly. Let cool.

  • Step 2.

    Prepare all ingredients.

  • Step 3.

    Place a nori sheet on a bamboo mat, then cover the nori with an even layer of rice mixture. Lay salmon,avocado & cucumber on the rice and roll it up tightly. Repeat with remaining nori sheets and ingredients.

  • Step 4.

    Slice sushi rolls with a sharp knife. Eat as a snack, or pack with dipping soy sauce and ginger into lunch boxes.

  • Step 5.

    Note: If you want to make sushi from scratch then try SunRice Sushi Rice.

Chantal Organics Products used

Tamari Soy Sauce

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