This year Chantal Organics celebrates 45 years of providing organics to New Zealand.
We’d like to take a moment to reflect on where we started, how we’ve evolved and where our vision will take us. It’s a great time to acknowledge all our team members, past and present, who have helped us get to this point and beyond.
It’s also a fitting time to celebrate the progression of organics in NZ, with the growth of consumer interest, product availability, and the development of organic standards.
On Reflection
Looking back, with a bit of nostalgia, to 1978, when a handful of Hawke’s Bay families, shared a passion and vision of healthier food and a better life for their families. These families formed a co-op to source the organic, whole foods that couldn’t be found in supermarkets.
Legend has it that one of the families had a young daughter named Chantal, which is where the name Chantal Organics comes from. This name continues to connect us to our founding vision of organic food for our families, our planet, and for future generations to come.
The co-op evolved into a business, and in 1983 Napier’s first independent natural food store called “Chantal” opened. As the demand for organic wholefoods grew, so did Chantal Organics. The first warehouse opened in 1999, sourcing organic foods from around the world and distributing them throughout NZ.
In 2010 Chantal Organics moved into a purpose-built facility in Onekawa, Napier, with a committed team producing an eclectic range of organic products. Still located in the heart of Napier, the Chantal Shop (now operates independently) has retained its community vibe and remains a busy and well-loved retail store.
Celebrating the Journey
All these years later, Chantal Organics is still driven by the same passion to fuel families and protect the planet. We still operate from our solar-powered site in Onekawa, producing certified organic, award-winning granolas and spreads, and offering a variety of healthy, organic snacks, pantry staples, and wholesale ingredients nationwide.
Today Chantal Organics has a team of 40, between the Napier site, an Auckland office, a national sales team and the produce department. Chantal Organics offers 78 own-brand lines from baking, beans and breakfast to oils, sauces, spreads and snacks.
The Auckland-based fresh organic produce department supplies produce nationwide. The team works with local and overseas organic growers to meet the growing demand, while also supporting conventional farmers through the transition into being certified organic.
Over the decades, Chantal Organics has supported the organics industry as it evolved. It has moved from a grassroots movement into the mainstream arena. Organic pantry staples that were once only found in small natural food stores, can now be found on the shelves of supermarkets.
With an increased consumer interest, the shopping landscape has changed, providing more organic outlets, more organic categories, and a wide variety of product choices. It’s exciting to see so many products made locally in NZ.
Working Towards a Common Goal
Today, climate change is top of mind globally, and awareness around organics being part of the solution, is increasing. The message is clear, organic farming IS climate action. Many people are supporting this movement by choosing organic food not only for their health but the health of the planet.
This year, New Zealand has made significant progress with a proposed organic standards, referred to as the Organic Products & Production Bill , a resilient and internationally recognized organic standard. This illustrates the growing demand for certified organic and climate conscious food.
Chantal Organics has evolved with the times, with increased focus on food security and a sustainable supply of organic ingredients. We source our organic ingredients from a variety of geographical regions, which allows for flexibility when extreme weather events happen, such as droughts, fire danger, or rain.
Working Together as a Team
45 years on, we have hit a milestone worth celebrating. We’ve learned through tough times and savoured the successes. We would like to thank our committed team, from those who have been here for over 20 years, to each valuable addition along the way.
Our team remains devoted to introducing organics into every food category, while helping to educate consumers about the importance of organics for future generations. Working together as a team sustains the Chantal Organics’ vision into the future.
Thank You
To our loyal consumers, we have enormous gratitude. Thank you for choosing us. It has been our pleasure to provide you and your families with delicious, organic, and healthy food over the past 45 years. We believe organics is climate action and together we can make a difference.
Today, Chantal Organics prides itself on unleashing the genius of nature. Our range of delicious & nutritious products make it easy for you to enjoy the unrivalled quality & taste of organic food that only nature can create. You can trust our products are always preservative & GMO free.
For a delightful bite to eat, check out our amazing collection of delicious recipes to inspire healthy eating habits on our website.